Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A - Z: B is for...

What you’ll be told to think about…  


“A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Here’s to these beautiful bridesmaids.”
~ Unknown

Now that you’re going to get married, who will accompany you down the aisle? Choosing bridesmaids is definitely a conundrum for any bride-to-be. Grooms don’t really have that problem, because he’ll probably have a tight-knit bunch of friends who will gladly don a suit, and assume the position without much fuss. In a perfect world, a girl would be able to choose the perfect number of perfect individuals to be their perfect bridesmaids, without the interference of family, friends, or risk upsetting someone just because they “weren’t asked”.

This can be a touchy subject, because you know what, secretly every girl wishes she could be a bridesmaid. I mean, what’s not to love? Weddings are joyous occasions, and it’s always a great, natural high to be right in the thick of them. You can get your hair, make-up and nails done (likely for free), be admired when walking down the aisle, and maybe even get the chance to meet a couple of hot guys (because hot guys always hang out at weddings). Let’s face it, it’s the closest thing a girl can get to being a bride without actually being one. So naturally, when word about your awesome wedding gets out, you will be practically be able to hear the quickened heartbeats of the single ladies, relations, friends, and sometimes the middle-aged aunties with teenage daughters in your midst, just waiting to be picked.

Bridesmaids of yore were traditionally unmarried young women or small girls, and this has continued till today, with bridesmaids typically being close friends, cousins or sisters. Amongst Singaporean Chinese, we have the notion of the bride having “Jiemei”, literally meaning “sisters” (and by corollary, the groom has “Xiongdi”, or “brothers”) who serve the similar role of assisting the bride and executing a number of traditional Chinese customs for the wedding. Similarly, Indian and Malay wedding traditions have the same notion of a gaggle of girls being on-hand to assist the bride on her big day. However, gone is the restriction that bridesmaids must be unmarried, and the modern bride tends to have a whole lot more autonomy when it comes to picking her wingwomen. 

Bridesmaids, without a doubt, are integral to the success of any wedding. They attend to the bride and keep her happy, while managing pretty much everything, from holding bouquets and accoutrements, to even acting as an impromptu stylist and make-up artist in the event of any emergency touch-ups (tip: there’s no way you can hide a 10-colour blush palette anywhere in your bridesmaids’ gowns – arrange for a private powder room if your stylist isn’t hired to stay the whole day!), all the while looking as pretty as pictures and as fresh as daisies. These individuals, if chosen correctly, will know the wedding program like the backs of their hands, won’t trip down the aisle, and play a great part in making everything go off without a hitch. Like good shoes, these girls will work hard for you and towards making your special day a success, without making you feel unsteady on your feet. 

What you should really be thinking about…  


Ta-da! Yes, you read right! When it comes to choosing your bridesmaids, the two words that should be foremost in your mind are: 

Choose wisely.

Here are a list of 5 types of girls who won’t make good bridesmaid material. Remember, for the lead-up to and duration of your wedding, these girls will be an extension of you, so you’ll need to rally up a bunch of dependable, trustworthy ladies who can withstand the acid test. If any of these stereotypes ring true in your potential line-up, you may wish to reconsider your options.

The Flirt

She’s fun, she’s spontaneous, and the life and soul of every party – so far, so good, except that she’ll likely drop you like a hot potato once a boy wanders into her crosshairs. Be wary of a girl like this, because though flirtatious behaviour may not be fatal to bridesmaid-ly duties, you don’t want to be left with no one to zip you into your dress just because Ms Flirt has gone MIA – probably into a broom cupboard with the Best Man. As open-minded as society has become, people will notice if your bridesmaids spend more time ogling the men in the immediate vicinity than assisting you. Nevertheless, Ms Flirt is essentially a good person, you’ll just need to give her the odd friendly reminder that she should be there for you, not to chock up more notches on her bedpost.

Suitable for: Social tasks, organising – anything that keeps her around people, but be sure that she won’t rush off in pursuit of a male target.

The Wallflower

Ms Wallflower is the polar opposite of Ms Flirt – she’s shy, retiring, possibly young to boot, and doesn’t know much other than to stand there and look pretty. This is all well and good, but you sometimes need someone who can hold their own in social settings (for that is what weddings are), be bolshy enough to assert herself when banquet managers are unhelpful, and have the initiative to usher people into the ballroom on time. If this is what you require, you might have to reassign Ms Wallflower, because though the meek will inherit the earth, they will not get you a one-up when you need something done right here, right now.

Suitable for: Compiling lists, guest headcount, reception team – jobs that aren't too taxing, and don’t require too much of a feisty personality.

The Obligation

So she’s your mother’s cousin’s youngest daughter, and right now relatives are putting on the pressure for you to choose her as a bridesmaid, or she’s your brother’s girlfriend of six months, and if you don’t make her a bridesmaid, you just know Miss Obligation will be staring daggers at you as you walk down the aisle. DON’T GIVE IN. No one has a birthright to being made a bridesmaid – these girls need to be your nearest and dearest, so stand your ground, and don’t let anyone force their way into your inner circle. In short, wedding photos are forever, and you can’t scratch her face out of them if your aunt and mother fall out / your brother dumps her in two months’ time. If you do decide to give Ms Obligation a go, make sure that it is of your own free will, and not because someone is holding you to ransom.

Suitable for: Any job, depending on the amount of involvement you’d like her to have in your wedding.

The Flake

This girl is great. Ms Flake is just like chocolate – sweet, sugary, and gives you a great feeling. The only problem is, she’s unreliable. This means she promises to do things, but doesn’t see them through, or bails on you at the last moment. It doesn’t mean that she’s a bad person, no, but it probably means that at some point you’ll have to step in and do things yourself or have someone take over whatever Ms Flake has left behind. If you must have this girl with you, though, you’ll have to be prepared that she might not see things through, in which case you’ll have to make sure that you have someone on hand who will.

Suitable for: Whatever task she’s good at – just make sure you have a good understudy who can take the reins if things go awry.

The Dominatrix

Everyone knows someone like Ms Dominatrix. She loves action, most of all being in the thick of it. Whenever a plan comes together, she wants to be the one who executed it flawlessly. She has good networking skills, doesn’t mince her words, and when she’s around, things get done. The only problem is, she can be intimidating, unfriendly and a complete nightmare to work with. While we won’t judge you on why you have a friend like this (we’re sure she must be nice in other ways), you might not want her on the frontlines, purely because it’s unlikely that she’ll get along with anyone else. The solution to this is simple – reassign her to a wedding job that won’t involve stepping on people’s toes, or use her like a weapon of mass destruction – sparingly, and as a last resort.

Suitable for: Pre-wedding research and planning, anything that calls for cut-throat ops.

Hope this helps you on your quest for a bridal party! Good luck!

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